What is AngularJS & Node JS? What is the Difference Between AngularJS vs. Node JS

JavaScript is an incredibly powerful programming language which is used to create the traditional client-side applications. AngularJS and NodeJS both are the part of JavaScript. It is quite necessary to understand that AngularJs and NodeJs both are useful for building interactive and feature-rich cross-platform web applications. Here in this article, we are going to share some information about these two languages. So, if you want to know the details about  Angular JS and Node JS, then read this article thoroughly.

Facts to Know About Angular.Js:-
Angular.Js is basically an open-source approach that is helped enterprises to have simply the best web applications without compromising with anything. When it comes to considering dynamic views then Angular.Js is used as a structural framework. Also, it allows developers to use HTML as a template language.
The main feature or goal of this framework is a simplification. It is suited for building single-page client-side web applications, dynamic website and it also supports the (MVC) programming structure.

Facts to Know about Node.Js:-
NodeJs is mainly used to build server-side applications. It is a free and open source cross-platform tool. It runs on various platforms like- Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OX S and so on. NodeJs is written in C, C++ and javascript language and can run within the runtime.
This framework offers a rich library of various JavaScript modules which simplifies the development of web applications process to a great extent. If you want to hire NodeJs developers then you should know these features.

Comparison Between Javascript Framework: Angular.Js vs Node.Js

Some major facts which will make Angular.Js completely different form Node.Js are listed below-

  • Just like any other javascript files developers can simply add Angular.Js file to use it in the applications. There is no need for developers to install it the in PC’s. But there is a need to install Node.Js separately in PC’s if you want to use it for web application Developers.   
  • Angular.Js is basically an open source web application framework that is developed by Google.  On the other hand, Node.Js is a cross-platform runtime environment system based on Javascript.  
  • Angular.Js is entirely written in Javascript and also allows developers to use HTML syntax to describe the components of the application. Node.Js is written in C, C++, and Javascript language and it supports non-blocking input/output API and an event-driven architecture. 
  • Angular.Js is suited for building single-page client-side web applications, and it is itself a web application framework. Node.Js is basically useful to build fast and scalable server-side networking applications. It has many different frameworks like- Sails.js, Partial.js, and Express.js etc.
  • Angular.Js is perfect for creating highly active and interactive web apps. Where as Node.Js is ideal for small size projects.
  •  Angular JS developers need a deep understanding of prototyping, scope, and other javascript aspects. On the other hand, Node JS developers can use javascript on the server, and that’s why they can focus on learning one language. 
  • Through Angular JS you can easily create real-time applications like chat apps and instant messaging. You can use Node JS when something needed more scalable and faster.

#Conclusion:-  The above facts exactly makes both frameworks totally different from each other. After reading this post you can easily proceed with AngularJs development company when its come to developing single page client-side web application development. On the other hand, you can hire NodeJs developer to develop an application like chatting as well as messaging.
In spite of this article, if you need some more information regarding these languages, then you can contact us through your valuable comment in our comment section and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


  1. I admire you for making this valuable and important information available here. This might turn out to be gainful for many seekers who are finding AngularJS Web Application Development Company.


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