Top Main Reasons to Choose WordPress For Your Website Development
Why WordPress is the best platform for website development and what are the advantage of WordPress & how easy to maintain your website on WordPress without development knowledge. 1. WordPress is free Wordpress is good when you’re operating on a small-business budget. You’ll still have to pay for web hosting, and you may want to buy a theme instead of using a free one to change the way your site looks but the WordPress CMS costs nothing to download. 2. WordPress is easy to use Wordpress installation & support guides are very easy to understand. I'm not a developer but I've set up several Wordpress site, & it is really easy to get a basic site running and looking respectable. Doing something complex you required some conversations in the support forums. 3. WordPress has a vast support community Forty percent of websites run on WordPress, and it has a 58% share of the CMS market. Lot of people using WordPress means that if you have a problem or an...
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